Monday, September 28, 2009

Scheduling? What's that?

Compared to friends of mine I am the consistent, harsh disciplinarian. The Firm one. So when it comes to my own children I assumed I would not be the softy. The mushy gushy mommy who follows the infants lead. But that is exactly what has developed- an unscheduled, laid back, follow the fuss monster's lead- kind of mom. I was the same with Jacob, but I assumed that had he been around longer the firm side of mom would've emerged. Alas, with Ross at 3 months of age, we are still an unscheduled mess. I find it humorous that me, of all people, is the one who won't let her son cry to sleep, wait an extra half hour to eat, or stay in a diaper that he feels is full enough. Go figure.
At this point, I have stacks of baskets of laundry, all dirty - not even close to becoming clean :/. When I have 5 minutes to complete a task, I usually choose using the restroom first. I know I am weird. I have had the luxury of mopping the floors fewer than 5 times since the bugger has arrived(in our house, every 3 to 7 days is preferred). Dishes are done once a day- if I am lucky! And Joel is anxious to add to our clan! Maybe we can get a live in maid?!
Maybe by the time he is a year I will have a better idea of what the day ahead looks like, maybe. Even if life remains to be this chaotic, this hectic, I will bask in the bliss that is motherhood. Yes, I said Bliss. No matter how difficult things can be, I remember a year past. And that memory is all the motivation I need to be thankful for the messy, disorganized, dirty, house that holds 20 loads of laundry, four hungry doggies, an empty fridge but one contented, happy, very much loved Ross.

1 comment:

angmarbro said...

18 days til we're there and can help out! I can't wait!!!