Tuesday, October 20, 2009

He did it! I mean, WE DID IT!

This past week Joel and I have been working on introducing Ross to his crib. He knows his room and Loves it! When we take him in his room, his eyes open widely and he just stares at everything. All of his diapers and clothes are in his room(when they are put away) so we do use the room, he just hasn't slept in it.

Recently Ross exceeded the 15lb weight limit on his Pack-n-Play bassinet attachment. So out it came and down Ross went, to the big boy bottom of the Pack-n-Play. He did Not appreciate it, not one bit. So I folded up the Pack-N-Play and begun to teach Ross how to self sooth. We started on our bed, his ultimate choice for sleeping.

Typically I would put him to sleep and then lay him in his crib. This afternoon I laid him in the crib. I would wind his mobile, leave the room and return only when he fussed due to the stopped mobile. And I would wind the mobile again.And now, as of 30 minutes ago Ross has successfully soothed himself into a nap IN his Crib! YAY!

In addition, last night was his first night to sleep in his crib. We decided a few weeks back that when Auntie Ang and Uncle Phil visit we would give them our bed and we would sleep in Ross' room. So this week is the embarking of Ross moving into his room full time.

We are nervous and stressed and know that God is in control. You may be comforted when you remember God is in control, but we are not. That thought is an anxiety inducing fact for Joel and I. We are continually trying to take steps to place our trust and faith in Him, but it is an hourly battle- Still. We covet your prayers for our peace and Ross' protection(spiritually and earthly).

Our new Foster doggie, Daisy, is quite attached to Ross. This morning while I was holding him, Smithers came over and was getting a bit rough. Daisy snapped at him, she doesn't do this normally. I know it was Ross she was guarding because a week or so ago Ross was in his bouncy seat and I ran at him. Daisy chased me, passed me and spun around. She barked and took an authoritative stance. She wasn't threatening me, but she wanted me to know that my actions were NOT acceptable.

1 comment:

angmarbro said...

i LOVE the photo of him sleeping in his crib! so sweet... miss you guys!