Friday, September 18, 2009

The Firecracker Loses Battery Power

It is official. No, Ross is not going to have another brother. It's a sister. Just Kidding folks. The big news is that his monitor is off! And by off I mean it is going back. For the past week Joel and I have kept Ross off the monitor at night. We wanted to get our nerves up before we didn't have it to fall back on- just in case we didn't have the nerve to follow through.

It all started when we received a bill from the monitor company. You see, when the topic of having Ross on a monitor arose, Joel immediately asked, "What is this thing going to cost me?" Now I hope you don't hear that we were concerned about our families financial security over Ross' well being. In our minds Ross doesn't need a monitor, never did. You may have heard me proclaim, "Jacob is the one for who it should have been prescribed!" We were the ones that needed it- we wanted to get some sleep. We accepted the monitor because the cost was not ridiculously high and it would calm our nerves.

Well it happened, the bill came. Apparently the monitor company, Respira, lied to Joel, the 20 times and 20 different ways he clarified that the cost was in fact, $XX. The bill that arrived was $XXX! It would pay for a trip to Cali and back. Oh, and that's just one months cost!!! Nevermind that we have had it 2 and a half months now. Oh the bills just keep rolling in.

With much deliberation we asked the company to stop billing us and pick up the equipment. This of course was began their insistence that we sign a document, you may have heard of it, an AMA. Against Medical Advice. WHAT THE HECK!!! No! I am so fed up with the medical community. I mean with all that we have dealt with, this company is just lucky Joel spoke with them- I would have lost it.

As "concerned medical staff" they called Ross' doc to inform her of our intent to stop necessary medical measures. And upon doing so were informed by her that she just hadn't sent in the forms stating he no longer needed it, she would do it right away. Thank you doctor Grant!

So no more monitor. Obviously this will cause mommy a set back. But thus far I have been able to fall asleep so long as I check on him four or five times during the process, just to be sure he is in fact okay. He is still sleeping in our room, in a Pack-N-Play. He has a fighting personality. If he doesn't like something he will try to change it and if he can't, he will demand that you do! I am thankful for his 'firecracker' nature, it helps put my nerves at ease, if only for a moment. =)

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