Monday, February 15, 2010

Sleep woe's

Tyring to figure all this stuff out.   By stuff I mean, Ross.  He is trying me left and right.  After more than two months of it, he still cries, yells and screams for more than an hour to go to sleep.  This happens at every nap and every night.  Unless of course I am holding him or nursing him. UGH!
I love him.  I am blessed to have him.  I am lost.  I am worn out!  I don't care what anyone says.  This 'cry it out' method is for the birds.  Just when he has figured out that crying, yelling, and screaming won't get him his way- he gets sick.  And Iam sorry but a sick kid does not sleep alone in their room, not in my house.

Can you tell it has been a not so good day.


Anonymous said...

Here are my thoughts on CIO. While I would love to put Jenna in her crib and walk away, she would scream her head off, and she too has made her self sick with all the crying. So, I figure, the ladies at daycare don't mind rocking her to sleep, and I don't even have to rock her, just hold and cuddle her. That is what I do, and i know that I will cherish these memories later, regardless i the kitchen is dirty when I go to bed:). For what it's worth, I think you will do whatever is right for you and your little guy.

Mrs. Pichler said...

You sound tired. It's tough having a little one. They don't quite understand. Little angel Ross wants to be close to you so why not let him? You'll never regret it and he won't turn into a spoiled rotten child. :)

Try very hard to relax when it comes to sleeping time. He can sense your stress level and it affects him. Follow your instincts and parent Ross they way *you* want. If you sense he should be in your arms, then that is where he belongs.

Good luck.

Mrs. Pichler

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