Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Television and Babies

This post will not be about what most people would expect upon reading the title. It is not about allowing children to watch television, or what age is appropriate to allow television viewing. Rather this post is about the new television viewing habits that have become typical in the Marlowe household.
Formerly Joel and I would enjoy the late evenings watching some of our favorite crime drama's, Comedy Central talk shows (The Daily Show with John Stewart). But since the arrival of Ross we are not able to watch television together.
When we have tried, it goes something like this. Play...(90 seconds)... Pause as a Ross fit ensues... he settles into whimpering... quick play...(60 seconds)... Pause as he alerts us to his continued unhappiness... Play...(180 seconds)... SCREAMING! And this pattern continues until Joel, or I, decide it is not worth the trouble.
Apparently our son does not want us to spend time in front of the boob tube. We need to find some new Ross approved activities- and fast!

1 comment:

angmarbro said...

I am laughing so hard right now!!! Perhaps Ross would like Uno or Sorry better?? Red Rover? Freeze tag? Ooh! I know... Spoons!!!! =)